Borana Galla field recordings (P. Black , 1970)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Black collected these “linguistic samples” in Ethiopia in October-November 1970: he reads vocabulary and pattern sentences in English and the native speaker (male) supplies the Borana equivalents.
Collection Technical Notes
Masters are dubs from the 3.75 ips and 1 ⅞ ips field-recorded originals, lent to the LLA by Gene Gragg in 1973. WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
GAL 82.1 (M) Black, Paul (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
GAL 82.2 (M) Black, Paul (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
GAL 82.3 (M) Black, Paul (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape