Beowulf, Caedmon’s hymn and other Old English poems

Collection Descriptive Notes
“Caedmon’s Hymn”, “The Dream of the Rood”, “The Wanderer”,;“The Battle of Brunan Burg”, “A Wife’s Lament” and four excerpts from Book II of Beowulf
Collection Technical Notes
Master is a dub of the twelve-inch, 33⅓ rpm, vinyl disc, Caedmon TC 1161, lent to the LLA; JJT, rec. eng., Oct. 1978.
Bessinger, J.B., Jr.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
ENG 61.2 (M) Unknown (author); Bessinger, J.B., Jr. (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
Old English for English 306 Unknown (author); Bessinger, J.B., Jr. (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape