Nezval recituje Nezvala

Collection Descriptive Notes
The author recites his poems “Na břehu řeky Svratky”, “Divoké husy”, “Sbohem a šáteček”, and “Neznámá ze Seiny”.
Collection Technical Notes
Master is a dub of the seven-inch, 33⅓ rpm, monophonic Supraphon disc lent to the LLA by Mrs. O’Donnell; JJT, rec. eng., 4/16/76 & 4/18/76. A photocopy of the back of the album is on file.
Nezval, Vítězslav
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
CZH61.NZV.1.1(M) Nezval, Vítězslav (researcher); Nezval, Vítězslav (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Nezval recituje Nezvala Nezval, Vítězslav (consultant); Nezval, Vítězslav (researcher) 1/4 inch audio tape