Pronunciation of famous Lieder

Collection Descriptive Notes
Prof. Funke reads each Lied fluently, except for the Schumann setting of “Mondnacht”, which he reads with pauses. Disc 5L: A. Important German Sounds; B. Schumann: Mondnacht (Eichendorff) [and] Schubert: Ueber allen Gipfel is Ruh (Goethe); Disc 6L: A.Bach: Mein glaübiges [Herz]; Mozart: Des Veilchen (Goethe); Beethoven: Freudvoll und leidvoll (Goethe); Schubert: Du bist die Ruh; B. Schumann: Ich grolle nicht (Heine); Brahms: Wiegenlied (Simrock); Wolf: Gesang Weylas (Mörike) [and] R. Strauss: Traum durch die Dämmerung (Bierbaum)
Collection Technical Notes
Dr. Milton Cowan of the University of Iowa oversaw the making of these recordings. Note: These discs cannot now be played since the spindle holes are to narrow. (Clarence E. Parmenter Collection)
Funke, Erich
Milton Cowan, supervisor of recording
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Disc 5A: Important German sounds Funke, Erich (recorder); Cowan, Milton (recorder); Bach, Johann Sebastian (author); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (author); Schubert, Franz (author); Schumann, Robert (author); Brahms, Johannes (author); Strauss, Richard (author); Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (author); Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von (author); Heine, Heinrich (author); Rückert, Friedrich (author); Mörike, Eduard (author); Bierbaum (author); Beethoven, Ludwig van (author) Record
Disc 5B: “Mondnacht” and “Ueber allen gipfeln ist Ruh” Funke, Erich (recorder); Cowan, Milton (researcher); Bach, Johann Sebastian (author); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (author); Schubert, Franz (author); Schumann, Robert (author); Brahms, Johannes (author); Strauss, Richard (author); Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (author); Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von (author); Heine, Heinrich (author); Rückert, Friedrich (author); Mörike, Eduard (author); Beethoven, Ludwig van (author) Record
Disc 6A: “Mein glaübiges Herz”; “Das Veilchen”; “Freudvoll und leidvoll”; “Du bist die Ruh” Funke, Erich (recorder); Cowan, Milton (recorder); Bach, Johann Sebastian (author); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (author); Beethoven, Ludwig van (author); Schubert, Franz (author); Schumann, Robert (author); Brahms, Johannes (author); Strauss, Richard (author); Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (author); Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von (author); Heine, Heinrich (author); Rückert, Friedrich (author); Mörike, Eduard (author) Record
Disc 6B: “Ich grolle nicht”; “Wiegenlied”; “Gesang Weylas”; “Traum durch die Dämmerung” Funke, Erich (recorder); Cowan, Milton (recorder); Bach, Johann Sebastian (author); Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (author); Schubert, Franz (author); Schumann, Robert (author); Brahms, Johannes (author); Strauss, Richard (author); Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (author); Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von (author); Heine, Heinrich (author); Rückert, Friedrich (author); Mörike, Eduard (author); Beethoven, Ludwig van (author) Record