Address by Salikoko Mufwene at the 19th meeting of the Entretiens du XXIe siècle (September 19, 2001): “Quel avenir pour les langues?"

Collection Descriptive Notes
Speaking in French, Salikoko Mufwene gives an address in line with the theme of the conference, "Quel avenir pour les langues?" He surveys various languages around the world and assesses their viability in the context of the globalized economy.
Collection Technical Notes
Cassettes may or may not be the live recordings, but they appear to cover the entire session (of the first day?). Note: Only Salikoko's introduction by Jérôme Bindé and his address to the meeting has been digitized.
Mufwene, Salikoko, et al.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
“Quel avenir pour les langues...” [Cassette #1] Mufwene, Salikoko (speaker); Bindé, Jérôme (speaker) 1/8 inch audio cassette
“Quel avenir pour les langues...” [Cassette #2] Unnamed French speakers (speaker) 1/8 inch audio cassette
“Quel avenir pour les langues”... BUM DAT